Fischler Accepts British Demands on CAP Reform July02

Bashir Khanbhai MEP for Eastern Region congratulated European Commissioner Fischler for his proposal to reform the Common Agricultural Policy. At meetings in Brussels and Edinburgh Mr.Khanbhai pointed out to Commissioner Fischler that there were two aspects that must be included:-


1.     The Common Fisheries policy (CFP) must be amended so that each member state is responsible for its management within the 12 mile national territorial limit and this zone will be excluded from the shared regions supervised by Regional advisory Councils. Furthermore the Euro 88m for social measures and Euro 272m for scrapping fishing vessels must be shared equitably between all Member States with fishing fleets.

2.     Member States would be obliged to compensate immediately for any unilateral ban of agricultural trade e.g. beef and lamb from other Member States in the absence of a scientific reason accepted by the European Commission. The current system of legal action through the European Court is unsustainable and unfair as it results in unacceptable delay before farmers receive compensation.


Mr. Khanbhai said: “Fischler’s acceptance of the national territorial supervision of the 12-mile area is a major victory for our British fishermen. Such management of our waters will be better for fish stocks and jobs for our fishermen. Although the new EU regime will result in tradable quotas dominated by a few big companies, we should also get our fair share of social subsidies for our farmers and compensation for scrapping fishing vessels”

Mr. Khanbhai added: “Our farm exports of beef and lamb must be protected from unjust unilateral bans from France or any other Member State. The only way is to incorporate a provision in the new CAP for an automatic compensation scheme, payable by the banning state, that would operate until they prove that their ban is justified!”